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Previous Work

Audio Engineer / Sound Designer

Since finishing my studies as an audio engineer I have had a number of different roles throughout the industry.

I started out as an intern at 2002 Studios where I became the resident sound designer. I was also a recording engineer and worked on:

  • Voice recording and Speech editing for multi lingual Help videos for Microsoft

  • Sound Design for video games

  • Recording engineer for contemporary bands

  • I also assisted with some general admin and promotion of the studio

please visit 2002 Studios page here.













Please find a link to the first role as a freelance engineer I ever did.

This was filmed in 48 hours and was entered into a few film competitions.












After being freelance for a while I was then hired full time at Wired Broadcast which is an outside broadcast company that hires out, sets up and engineers outside broadcasts and live link ups via Multi Channel VPN Hubs, 3G, TBU, IP, ISDN & Satellite. Please visit the Wired Broadcast website here.


Please find below a video one of the most fun jobs I have ever had the privilege to work on. It was a wedding at London Zoo that was broadcast live on Absolute Radio (Sponsored by BT). I was the Mic Op, and followed round the breakfast shows sidekick as he visited the different animal enclosures as he reported back to Christian O'Connell who was stationed at the main pavilion. It was one of the best and most terrifying experiences ever as not only did I get to go into a Komodo dragons den and the giraffe enclosure with the presenter, but also do so while holding some very expensive equipment.











Last year I also tried my hand at some live theater work. I was the sound engineer for a run of 'Be My Baby' which was done by the New Era Players. It was a great show that incorporated some wonderful 60's music. The show got a wonderful review. 

Please find a link top the New Era Players website here. They are small but mighty theater company form Wash Common in Newbury. 















I then became a freelance engineer where I mostly worked as a 

  • Boom operator

  • Sound recordist

  • Pre and Post production Sound

  • I also made some of the music that went into the films

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